Bank of America is Reaffirming its Commitment to the African American Male Scholars Initiative at Greenville Technical College

GREENVILLE, SC – August 9, 2023 – Bank of America, a long-standing supporter of the African American Male Scholars Initiative (AAMSI) at Greenville Technical College (GTC), has reaffirmed its dedication to fostering academic success within the African American male community with a grant of $40,000. This brings the bank’s total AAMSI contributions to an impressive $178,000 since 2019, reflecting their steadfast commitment to empowering and uplifting these scholars.

Bank of America’s support will directly impact the educational journey of 20 AAMSI scholars. Furthermore, the bank’s grants over the past four years have played a significant role in the positive outcomes achieved by every student who has graduated from the program to date.

Since first partnering with the Foundation in 1999, Bank of America has invested a remarkable $384,800 over two decades. These contributions clearly demonstrate their enduring dedication to the success of GTC students and the Upstate region.

The AAMSI Initiative was established by GTC in 2019 to address disproportionately low college graduation rates among African American males nationwide. It aims to provide robust academic and social support, foster inclusivity, cultivate leadership qualities, elevate graduation rates, and effect positive social and economic changes. Through comprehensive academic guidance, mentorship programs, resource connections, and enhanced educational opportunities, AAMSI empowers students and propels them towards a successful future.

As AMMSI scholar Marion Benson shares in this video interview, “With the brotherhood, they kept me in check with what I needed to do. It was like a second family, as a man and as a Black man […] to just to link up and do different projects with one another.”

Since its inception, AAMSI has enrolled 169 African American males, 75% of whom are the first in their families to attend college. Through the transformative impact of these students, AAMSI is not only shaping the future success of the current generation but also building a legacy for generations to come.

AAMSI participants demonstrate a higher level of persistence compared to the overall college population, particularly when transitioning from the Fall to Spring terms. Their commitment to academic excellence is evident through notable achievements such as being honored on the Dean’s List and President’s List. In fact, this distinction has now become an attainable goal for many participants, as evidenced by a remarkable 14 members receiving these prestigious accolades this spring.

““Our longstanding partnership with Greenville Technical College has helped advance economic opportunity for many individuals and families throughout our region,” said Stacy Brandon, president, Bank of America Upstate South Carolina. “This initiative is a proven way we can create meaningful pathways to education and future employment.”

Bank of America’s continued support of AAMSI reflects the institution’s unwavering commitment to fostering equality and empowerment within marginalized communities. By investing in these scholars, Bank of America is promoting inclusivity and educational opportunities that have the potential to transform lives and strengthen communities for years to come.

“The Greenville Tech Foundation has been a steadfast champion for AAMSI and student success across the board.  The scholars in our program are well aware of the tremendous opportunity that comes from AAMSI,” said Michael Burgess, AAMSI Director.

About Greenville Tech Foundation

Founded in 1973, the Foundation began as a response to a need of providing a quality college education at an affordable cost to reduce financial strain for those seeking higher education. It provides financial support to both the college and its students beyond state and local funding sources. These funds are accessed through charitable contributions from businesses, industries, foundations, organizations, and individuals in our community. Greenville Tech Foundation believes in the power of community and equity to give everyone the opportunity to pursue their dreams in higher education at an affordable price. Learn more at

Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the world’s leading financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving approximately 68 million consumer and small business clients with approximately 3,900 retail financial centers, approximately 15,000 ATMs and award-winning digital banking with approximately 56 million verified digital users. Bank of America is a global leader in wealth management, corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world. Bank of America offers industry-leading support to approximately 3 million small business households through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients through operations across the United States, its territories and more than 35 countries. Bank of America Corporation stock (NYSE: BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

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